;; The language pack is generated by LangGen for LocWise.
; Do not localize the section below.
Language=English (United States)
LastUpdated=Sep 20, 2004
; Translate all the sections below. If necessary, you can choose words
; which represent same or closest meaning to the original words.
CAPTION=Welcome to %s
ID109=Secure &Order Now! Only US$ %s
ID111=Enter &Register Code ...
ID112=Free &Trial
ID102=This is a trial version. You have %d day(s) left of your 30 days trial period.
ID101=%s is a "try-before-you-buy" software.
ID110=Special Offer! Buy UltraDVD player for US$ 14.97 (50% discount)
ID114=Special Offer! Buy DVD SuperPack for US$ 79.95. Get UltraDVD for FREE!
ID174=Smart Read-ahead Cache Settings
ID161=Enable DVD Cache
ID172=Cache Speed
ID178=Cache Type
ID166=RAM-based Cache
ID167=Disk-based Cache
ID176=Enable File Cache
ID177=File Type
ID243=Add-Ons Settings
ID230=Macrovision Free
ID231=Operation Free (Remove user prohibitions)
ID233=Direct Play
ID234=Go directly to DVD Menu
ID235=Go directly to DVD Movie
ID236=Clear View of Subtitle
ID237=Keep subtitle in video
ID238=Keep subtitle out of video
ID239=Distance to edge of video
ID232=Remove Layer Break of DVD-9 disc
ID242=Disable AutoRun of DVD disc (such as PCFriendly)
ID181=Supported DVD programs
ID203=Region+CSS Settings
ID191=Region+CSS Free for DVD software
ID192=Region Free for RPC2 DVD drive
ID193=Region Free for RCE DVD disc
ID202=Default Region
ID194=1 - USA, Canada
ID195=2 - Western Europe, Japan, and South Africa
ID196=3 - South && East Asia
ID197=4 - Australia, Central && South America
ID198=5 - Russia, Eastern Europe, and Africa
ID199=6 - China
ID200=7 - Reserved
ID201=8 - International venues (airplanes, cruise ships, etc.)
ID264=New DVD Copy Protection
ID244=Remove Structure Protection (such as Sony ARccOS)
ID221=&Download More
ID210=Default DVD Drive
ID211=Support all listed DVD drives
ID213=DVD &Info
ID214=Startup Settings
ID215=Run self automatically at DVD programs startup
ID216=Show splash window at startup
ID217=Add tray icon on taskbar
ID218=Check for new version automatically
CAPTION=Register %s
ID122=Register Code
ID121=Thank you for registering %s!
CAPTION=%s - Tip of the Day
ID252=&Next Tip
ID251=&Show tips at startup
ID256=DMA ( Direct Memory Access ) will dramatically reduce the CPU usage when transferring data. If a high speed drive does not use DMA then it will never reach it's rated speed, and the DVD playback may be jerky.
ID257=DMA is not enabled!
ID255=&Enable DMA for DVD drive and hard drive
ID254=&Keep Windows XP from auto disable DMA
ID258=&Check DMA at startup
ID260=Audio CD Settings
ID261=Audio CD Free
ID262=Repair TOC (Table of Contents)
ID263=Remove data sessions (Prevent installing hidden driver)
ID32774=%s Help
ID32775=&Tip of the Day
ID32776=&Visit the Website
ID32778=&Enable DMA
ID32780=Disable %s
ID101=%s is enabled!
ID102=%s is disabled!
ID103=Enable %s
ID104=Disable %s
ID111=The free space of all your hard disk drives is less than 300 MB.\n\nPlease free some disk space to 300 MB on one of your drives.\n\n%s will be disabled now, and you can enable it later.
ID112=Disk-based Cache Size must be more than 300 MB
ID113=Disk-based Cache Size should be less than %d MB
ID114=Audio CD
ID115=You must exit "%s" at first.
ID116=The Cache setting changes will take effect after you restart "%s".
ID117=Are you sure to remove support for "%s"?
ID118=Thank you! %s will be restarted to enable the registered version.
ID119=The infomation you input is incorrect, please try again.
ID120=There isn't any DVD drive in your computer.\n\n%s will be disabled now, and you can enable it later.
ID121=Your DVD drive stops working now. Have a look!
ID122=Some internal files are not up to date!\n\nPlease uninstall and then reinstall %s to fix it.\n\nIf you just installed a new version, please restart computer to make it take effect.
ID123=Your trial period has expired. You must buy a license to continue using %s.
ID124=RAM-based Cache Size must be more than 32 MB
ID125=RAM-based Cache Size should be less than %d MB
ID127=%s - The trial version limits to 15-minute DVD playback.
ID128=NOTE: There are %d CD/DVD drives found in your computer.\n%c:\\ will be used by default.\n\nYou can change it in the "Settings" window.
ID129=NOTE: DVD Region+CSS Free (Lite) and DVDIdle (Pro) can not work simultaneously!\n\nPlease quit other program at first, then run %s again.
ID130=You need to restart your computer to complete the installation.\n\nWould you like to restart now?
ID131=The drive %c:\\ has region protection.\n\nDrive region code: %s\nUser changes left: %x\nVendor resets left: %x
ID132=The drive %c:\\ hasn't region protection.
ID133=DMA is enabled now!
ID134=You need to restart your computer to make DMA be enabled.\n\nWould you like to restart now?
ID136=Tips.txt file can't be found!
ID137=Did you know...
ID138=This feature is only available in the registered version.
ID139=%s %s -
ID140=Trial version
ID141=Registered to: %s
ID142=Copyright (C) 2001 - 2004 Fengtao Software Inc.
ID144=You need to restart your computer to make the setting changes take effect.\n\nWould you like to restart now?
ID145=The disc (%s) has CSS protection.\n\nDisc region code: %s
ID146=The disc (%s) hasn't CSS protection.\n\nDisc region code: %s
ID147=There is a new version of %s available!\n\nYour Version: %s\nLatest Version: %s\n\nWould you like to visit the website now?
ID148=DVDIdle Pro - Watch and copy any region CSS-encrypted DVD movies! Extend lifetime of DVD drive!
ID149=DVDIdle - Extend lifetime of DVD drive!
ID150=DVD Region+CSS Free - Watch and copy any region CSS-encrypted DVD movies!
ID151=DVD Region+CSS Free Lite - Watch and copy any region CSS-encrypted DVD movies!
ID152=Would you like to check if there is a new version of %s now?\n\nNOTE: It needs internet connection.\n\nYou can turn off the "auto check" in the "Settings" window.
;; End of file - Do not localize or remove this line.